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Reuben Foster Enters Final Plea In Domestic Violence Arrest Saga


It can be challenging to have a court case play out in the public eye, especially one that is high-profile. This is one of the issues San Francisco 49ers inside linebacker Reuben Foster and his former girlfriend faced throughout the media frenzy following his domestic violence arrest. Recently, Foster entered a plea of no contest for a misdemeanor weapons charge, which is the final charge related to the arrest. He was sentenced to community service and probation by a California court. All other charges were dropped.

The arrest in question occurred in Feb. 2018 in Los Gatos. The arrest occurred after Foster’s then girlfriend accused him of domestic violence. He faced two felony charges following the incident. The charges were later dropped after the ex-girlfriend testified that she had lied about his abuse.

This left only misdemeanor weapons charges for possessing a gun which, while legally purchased in Alabama, is illegal in California. Police found the loaded gun, a Sig Sauer 516 rifle, on a bathroom floor during the arrest. For these charges, Foster was handed 232 hours of community service and two years of probation with a ban on gun ownership during this time.

Although the ex-girlfriend’s testimony led to dropped charges for Foster, the consequences he may face due to the allegations could go beyond the legal arena. According to reports, he could still face discipline from the NFL for these arrests along with a dropped misdemeanor marijuana possession charge from January. Those who are facing domestic violence accusations should connect with a California attorney with experience in these matters to understand their legal options.
